Order Acknowledgments and Delivery Notifications

Order Acknowledgments and Delivery Notifications

Order Acknowledgments

Every order placement is followed by a confirmation notice sent to the email used for order placement (see illustration below) which shows all details of the order, including price and delivery date.  Change request may be made here, and the ticket remains open, becoming a delivery notice when the files ordered have been delivered.

Delivery Notifications

When an order is delivered, a followup notice will be appended to the original notice and sent to the email address used for order placement. 

This order has been delivered. You will shortly receive our invoice, which is payable only after you have approved the work.
To download your files, sign in to your site, go to the title ordered, 
and open the "Deliveries" folder.

Or you can open the "Current Archive", where you'll find a folder for every title we've processed. More here.
Please reply to this message if you need further assistance on this order.

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