Archives Available to Clients

Archives Available to Clients

Logged-in clients will see one or possibly two "archive" links on the menu. The purpose of these archives is to provide access to all assets handled by Canadian Electronic Library/deslibris or DPS.

The Original Archive provides access to the source files submitted to CEL over the period 2006 to 2022, and to converted/delivered files created for CEL publisher partners since 2015 [correct date?]. Newer accounts will not have an Original Archive.
The archive is stored on Dropbox (see screenshot below) and all files are downloadable.
In some cases, these archives extend to over 4,000 titles. All folders are named by CEL's Acquisition number, ISBN and Title. Since the CEL Acquisition number ascends by date, sorting on "Name" will produce a roughly chronological listing. Folders for titles postdating 2015 will contain fixed-layout EPUB3, which was the format used for display on CEL's former desLibris platform.

The Current Archive provides access to the files where conversions were ordered and delivered through the new DPS platform. Master folders are named by title, and each folder contains Source and Delivered files for that title. Again, all are downloadable. 


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