The ATAR (Alt-text Assessment) Report

The ATAR (Alt-text Assessment) Report

Image descriptions (alt-text) are essential components of the Accessible ePub3, especially where images are vital to the content. 
Best practice demands that the alt-text be written/certified by someone familiar with the content (author, editor or publisher.)
To assist publishers with post-production alt-text creation, DPS provides the Alt-text Revision (ATAR) Service.

How it works

When an "ATAR for ePub3" option is ordered, a placeholder/marker is inserted by DPS in the ePub3 file for all images requiring Alt-text.
These markers are included in the ATAR Report, an Excel sheet providing thumbnails of all images in the text (one row per image.)
These are presented with the 4 columns shown below for editors/creators to use for creation of alt-text to be included in the ePub.

Page number

Image filename

Image Thumbnail

Indicate "Alt-text not required" with "Y"
Image caption (if any)This row, populated in the report, could be pasted into column F if appropriate. 
Alt text 
This is the editor-approved Alt-text.
The row is blank unless the AI option is chosen. In that case, the row will be filled with AI-generated Alt-text, which the editor may edit or revise. The result will be the Alt-text description appearing in the ePub.
Long description
Available for use with complex images like charts/graphs, or images with detail which cannot be adequately described in the short alt-text. Again, the row is blank unless the AI option is chosen, in which case the row will be filled with AI-generated Alt-text for long descriptions.


There are two ATAR options: 
  1. ATAR for ePub3 (without AI assistance)
  2. ATAR for ePub3 (with AI assistance)
Where option 1 is chosen, columns F and G will be blank.
Where option 2 is chosen, columns F and G will be filled with an AI-generated description of the image in column C.
This text should be reviewed and edited before the file is returned for integration. 

The first draft of the sheet, provided with the initial delivery, provides an easy way for editors/creators to review and improve the text.  
When the sheet is modified (with entries in columns F and/or G) and returned, DPS will integrate all modifications provided into the ePub, producing a finished file which meets the "creator-approved" criterion for images.

A sample ATAR Sheet is attached

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