Guarantees, Terms and Conditions

Guarantees, Terms and Conditions

These are the terms under which desLibris Publishing Solutions (DPS) performs book production and digital conversion for authors and publishers (“Clients”.).

Services Provided

Digital Conversion

DPS will convert Source files to formats ordered and deliver completed files for review and approval by Client.
Where Accessible EPUB3 is ordered, the files delivered will conform to Benetech standards. DPS is a Benetech-certified conversion services vendor.

Book Production

This process includes formatting, layout adjustments, and quality control to ensure the final product meets industry standards.

The Process

DPS will provide a secure client site on the DPS platform which will support all file deliveries and interaction between DPS and Client. To place an order, client will add a title, submit source files (PDF, Word, InDesign or other) and choose one or more delivery formats. An acknowledgment/estimate will then be provided to Client by DPS which will confirm format delivery and specify pricing. After client acceptance or modification, the order will be produced and delivered to the DPS Client site with an invoice.
Delivery outside the system via client-specified channels (Dropbox) is also provided on request.

Alt-text Remediation (ATAR)

If the order includes alt-text remediation, an Excel sheet ("ATAR") will accompany the delivery. providing thumbnails of all images in the text (one row per image.)  When the sheet is returned, DPS will write all modifications provided into the EPUB, producing a finished file which meets the "creator-approved" criterion for images. Where the “ATAR Service” Is included in the initial order, there is no extra charge for this additional step.
Where EPUB3 is ordered without ATAR, integration of corrected alt-text is available at an extra charge.
The purpose of the ATAR sheet is to assist Client with composition of Alt-text.
Since Client bears final responsibility for Alt-text, it is understood that the final alt-text used for the ePub file has been certified by Client.

Content Guarantee 

Converted files delivered will be 100% consistent with input supplied by Client.  At Client request subsequent to first delivery, two rounds of revisions/edits will be performed by Contractor without extra charge. Further rounds of changes will be subject to extra charges at the hourly rate of CAD $10.

Format Guarantee 

Files delivered will be compliant with current specifications for each format. Contractor will check finished files against the latest EPUBCheck and ACE. The ACE Report is provided with every delivery to show validation of the finished work. Because the tools are frequently updated, errors not flagged by the version current as of the date of delivery may not be eligible for correction without extra charge.

Distribution Guarantee

Files delivered will meet requirements as set by the major ebook distribution channels, including Amazon, Apple and Google Books. etc  


“Agent” accounts may be set up to allow associations, wholesalers, cooperatives to order and manage digital conversion contracts for multiple content owners (“Members.”) In these cases an individual client may designate a collective to act as its agent for a given time period or a particular body of work.

In this model, the Agent is financially responsible for transactions under the contract, while production elements (submission, editing and receipt of converted files) fall to Clients.  Order confirmations are addressed to the party or parties designated by the Client, and invoicing for completed work is addressed to the Agent.

Authorized representatives of both parties (Client and agent) may access the titles defined for the project, which is also assigned a Project ID. Every title in the project is given a Project ID, which appears on invoicing.

The Bulk Upload feature may be used to assign sets of titles to the project.

Quotes will be provided to Client and Agent when titles have been added. Discounts may be applied to high volume orders.

Pricing & Payment

Per-page prices are specified on the cart and the Order Confirmation. Clients are entitled to two free remediation rounds, under which specific client requests for correction or change are delivered without charge. After two rounds, remediation services may be chargeable.

A 25% surcharge may be applied for titles with complex layouts. This will be specified on the Estimate presented for client approval. 

Payment terms: Net 30 days. Prices are in Canadian dollars.

Additional Provisions

Cancellation Policy
Orders may be canceled within 10 days of placement without incurring charges. Cancellations after this period may be subject to a cancellation fee.

Liability Limitations
EBB and DPS shall not be liable for any indirect, incidental, or consequential damages arising out of the services provided.

Intellectual Property Rights
All intellectual property rights in the source materials remain with the Client. EBB and DPS acquire no rights other than the necessary licenses to perform the conversion.

Confidentiality Agreement
All client information and materials will be treated as confidential and will not be disclosed to third parties unless required by law.

Dispute Resolution
Any disputes arising under these terms will first be attempted to be resolved through mutual negotiation. If unresolved, disputes shall be subject to arbitration in Ontario. .

By placing an order through the DPS platform, the Client agrees to these terms and conditions.


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