Onix for Accessible EPUB

Onix for Accessible EPUB

Onix is the universal metadata protocol used by publishers worldwide to support the marketing of books through all supply chains.

For every format issued, a separate ISBN is required, which in turn requires an Onix record. By the time most books are ready for conversion, an Onix record (usually covering the physical / print format) will have been submitted by the publisher to the Onix repository of record in each territory. (In Canada, this is Biblioshare.)

When e-formats are added with individual ISBNs, publishers should create and circulate new Onix records for these formats to partners and distribution channels.  
For Accessible formats, there is a special set of standards for Onix records is deslgnated as Codelist 196. More detail here.
As part of the delivery of orders for Accessible ePub3, DPS supplies free Onix records meeting these standards. 

How it works:

To add a title to the Titles module, the Print ISBN must be entered. This triggers a search on the Biblioshare database to populate the DPS record with key bibliographic elements. The onix record is also downloaded and saved in the Source Files folder for the title.
The new e-formats (ePub and/or PDF) are given unique ISBNs. 
In the production process for Accessible ePub3, DPS passes the new e-format ISBN through an automated remediation process which creates a new Onix record meeting all relevant Onix "codelist 196" standards.
These are delivered to the "Conversions" folder for each title as new onix records named with the epub ISBN. See the onix record attached to this article for a sample.
Submitting these new records to ebook distributors through Biblioshare and other channels is the best way for publishers to inform the supply chain that an epub meets Accessible standards.

More information:

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