AccessOnix is an app designed to allow DPS clients to easily remediate original Onix to include accessibility information.
Built on the crosswalk here, the process extracts data from an Accessible ePub3 format and integrates it with the original onix record. AccessOnix is a generic series of tools for creating Onix 3.1 for any Accessible ePub3
To use the app within DPS, open the Conversions Delivered folder for a title which has been converted to Accessible ePub3.
Here you will find the original Onix record (for the print edition) and the Accessible ePub3.
This step will analyze any Accessible ePub3 to generate a delimited file which contains both the applicable Onix Codelist 196 fields and other fields unique to the Accessible ePub3 format.
Choose the ePub3 to be analyzed and click "Analyze" to generate and download a csv which contains the update.
The downloaded csv will contain columns showing the Onix Codelist 196 and values applicable to the file
If there are manual changes to be made, these can be added to the csv...
Select the original Onix xml record and the CSV file created by the Analyzer in the previous step.
Click "Remediate."
This will generate a "success" report and a link for downloading the remediated Onix.
The remediated Onix may be downloaded to a local drive...
In this step, the ISBN for the AePub3 is added to the onix record created in Step 2.
(ISBN rules require a distinct ISBN for each format of a given title, so there will be 3 ISBNs for a title available in Print, WebPDF and ePub2.
And 4 ISBNs for a title available in Print, WebPDF, ePub2 and Accessible ePub3.)
(Note as of 18-09-2024: the tool currently produces only Onix 3.1)
To validate, choose the new remediated Onix file to get a report...