Assignment of Billing to a Collective
Collective accounts (publisher associations, wholesalers, cooperatives) may order and manage digital conversion contracts for multiple content owners for a given time period or a particular body of titles.
By assigning a Project ID to a title, the Client may designate a title or group of titles as Collective Projects, under which billing is to be directed to a Collective.
Authorized representatives of
both parties (publisher and agent) may access the titles defined for the
All activities (title metadata,
editing, source file uploads, orders and download of deliveries,) may be
executed by either party. The identity of the contact carrying out any activity
is recorded in the system.
Billing is directed to the Collective named in the agreement and the Project ID for each title appears on all invoicing.
The Bulk Upload feature may be
used to assign sets of titles to the project; this may then be used to identify
those which are the components of the Project.
Quotes will be provided to
publisher and agent when titles have been added.
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