As of April 2024 the PDF format is not certifiable as "Accessible" because by definition the PDF format is "fixed layout." To be qualified as an "Accessible" format, the file must render to the reading device in "reflowable" form.
A dyslexic reader who requires specific fontsize or colour combinations will not be able to read optimally with a PDF, because the format was expressly designed for "Print Fidelity" Pixel Perfection. By contrast, formats like Word or ePub have the reflowable feature built in from the start.
There is a format designated
PDF/UA which can be accessible to some disabilities if properly tagged, but not all disabilities can benefit from PDF.
In the interim, DPS is offering PDF/UA as an output format. The price of this output will vary depending on source file, so cannot be pre-set at a per page rate as other formats are.
Hence you will see Accessible PDF
on the price list, but pricing is dependent on the nature and quality of the source file. InDesign is preferred.
To request a quote, create the title, place the title in the cart and select "Accessible PDF" from the Available Formats table. After clicking Place Order/Request Quote you will receive an email confirmation opening a ticket. After the source files have been received and evaluated, you will receive a binding quote of the per-page price for the work.
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